Giving it a Go

Giving it a Go

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Sewers Dream

Enter to win daily.  Every person who sews will be watering at the mouth to win this beau.  I would love to win this.   Good luck to who ever does.   Me!


Friday, April 19, 2013

Shiney saddle pad Baroque style from today. Bitwing Swallow Tail.

I am sewing like crazy with the rain that is falling in the inner states.  I really don't have alot to say about this one for it speaks for itself.  This was really fun to design.  Satin binding and cotton batting.  Gold in the material and a fleece underside.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Swallow Tail English Saddle Pad #2

Well I did it again.  I made yet another sadde pad and I love this one even more than the first one.  It is the same cut at the first but I really like the way the colors turned out on this one.  I used a cotton top or facing with a black satin binding and the batting or soft middle is a medium loft all cotton batting as well.
The underside which is not pictured is a pink fleece to grip the horse and it gives a little extra padding.  I trace stitched the design in white quilt so the flower will pop a little and then used nylon webbing for the keepers.

Here is how it turned out.
The blanket is sitting on my Friesian / Percheron mix and she is so big that it makes the saddle pad look small but it is cut to standard size.




Sunday, April 14, 2013

Western Saddle Blanket with removable Fly guard in midievil shape.

The sheet on the back detatches with Velcro or is easily added while out on the trail and the fly sproy wears off.
All cotton with two layers of batting in the middle for extra thickness for a western saddle.  All cotton for easy summer breathing and coolness on the trail.

I wieghted it in the back with nylon webbing so it doesn't blow up and into your seat.

I can't believe that the picture houses an upside down stirrup.  What a goof.

Here it is without the fly guard on the back of the blanket.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I designed a Batwing Saddle Pad and Sewed it together

For the life of me, I could not find a saddle pad that was unique and different so I sat down with a close contact and an all purpose saddle pad and I got to work tracing what I thought might look cool.

I ended up with this Batwing pad.  Don't get me wrong, I did find a few like it in Europe and in Canada but they were so sew expensive that I thought better to do it myself.

I basted the three layers together with basting spray, "Cheater spray" and began to sew down  the middle under the seat together.  When I had my middle line sewn together with the fleece bottom and the batting middle.  It looked like this.  I was excited and well on my way.
My first ever Baroque Batwing Saddle  Pad.  Designed and completed.  On to the next!

The top with the batting middle hanging out.

The underside with two of the swoops sewn in to hold it togeher.
That is a heavy maroon fleece.  I free handed the lines with a marker to follow the shape of the pillow.

I began working on finishing the mid swoop like or wing lines and set to work for create a binding that would wrap
all the way around the blanket in order to finish it off.  Once I had the binding on the wrap I used nylon webbing for the holders and also for the saddle placement holders on the front.  I just sewed velcro to the front ones and I was finished.
Here is my end result.

The right side and I forgot that I also added nylon webbing to the
center line for sturdiness.

The left side with the holders in black and in place.

 The batwing view. Top

 The underside...that goes to towards the horse.  You can really see the wing lines on
the underside.
\The right side of the underside of the blanket.  Just finished it this morning.
I am off to make another.  What's it worth?